Jösses vad skitiga fönster vi har , nu när solen lyser in så ser man verkligheten lite bättre .Nu får det vara nog ! jag tar fram en trasa och lite rengörings grejer. Bäst när jag står där och putsar bort ränderna så ser jag att den klara blå höst/vinter himlen också fått sina ränderMen dit upp når jag inte utan det får räcka med vardagsrums fönstrena.When I'm cleanin' windows.
An old maid walks around the floor
She's so fed up, one day I'm sure
She'll drag me in and lock the door
When I'm cleanin' windows(1936) When I'm cleaning windows - George Formby
Now I go cleanin' windows to earn an honest bob
For a nosy parker it's an interestin' job
Now it's a job that just suits me
A window cleaner you would be
If you can see what I can see
When I'm cleanin' windows
Honeymoonin' couples too
You should see them bill 'n coo
You'd be surprised at things they do
When I'm cleanin' windows
In my profession I'll work hard
But I'll never stop
I'll climb this blinkin' ladder
Till I get right to the top
The blushin' bride, she looks divine
The bridegroom he is doin' fine
I'd rather have his job than mine
When I'm cleanin' windows
The chambermaids' sweet names I call
It's a wonder I don't fall
My mind's not on my work at all
When I'm cleanin' windows
I know a fella, such a swell
He has a thirst, that's plain to tell
I've seen him drink his bath as well
When I'm cleanin' windows
Oh, in my profession I'll work hard
But I'll never stop
I'll climb this blinkin' ladder
Till I get right to the top
Pyjamas lyin' side by side
Ladies nighties I have spied
I've often seen what goes inside
When I'm cleanin' windows
------ banjo ------
Now there's a famous talkie queen
She looks a flapper on the screen
She's more like eightie than eighteen
When I'm cleanin' windows
She pulls her hair all down behind
Then pulls down her... never mind
And after that pulls down the blind
When I'm cleanin' windows
In my profession I'll work hard
But I'll never stop
I'll climb this blinkin' ladder
Till I get right to the top
An old maid walks around the floor
She's so fed up, one day I'm sure
She'll drag me in and lock the door
When I'm cleanin' windows
When I'm cleanin' windows